"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


We have a mouse in our garage.  For many years, the only mice we've had have been in the shed or once in a while in the garage, but Chad's been able to get them with traps pretty easily.  Our current little "friend" (read "enemy") is pretty small, but he's caused a lot of excitement.

Yesterday when Jenna and I drove the car in the garage, we must have scared him out of a hiding spot in there.  Jenna was still reading something in the car, but I got out and gathered up my things and headed toward the door into the family room.  Encountered said mouse on the way.  According to Jenna, I did some screaming and dancing.  She stayed in the car where she was safe :) and laughed thru the window.  I had the thing trapped in a corner, but I was too chicken to do anything about it.  Wanted to at least trap it under a bucket, but it was fast and I was scared.  :)  Probably it was extra funny for Jenna because that was the first time she saw me act like that.

Reminded me of the time when Katie was a baby, shortly after we moved into this house.  I was holding Katie when I saw a mouse in the living room and I screamed so loudly that she cried miserably and unconsolably for 5 min or more.  She didn't even see the mouse.  Just heard the scary mama.

Never did get our current "friend".  Now everyone's scared to go in and out of the garage.  Chad has set up traps.  We'll see!

Now keep in mind how jumpy I was feeling this morning when I went into the garage to get a gardening tool.  The kids were still in bed, I thought, and suddenly Micah came around the back of the parked van.  He had come out the front door of the house, in his bare feet, so I had heard nothing.  I SCREAMED so loudly that my throat still hurts, 3 hours later.  Maybe I scared the mouse to death. : )

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