"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, June 29, 2015

5 States

Last week was a crazy, fun week for all of us.  I went to MI to paint for my parents, K and J went to Cedarville, Ohio, to the national Bible quizzing tournament, M went to PA to spend several days with Gpa and Gma, and C did a Fellowship of Christian Athletes day camp.  One night she stayed over at a friend's house in MD while Chad went home to sleep in WV.
K and J's quiz team getting ready to go.  16? quizzers this time-- one senior team and two novice teams.  Fun week of activities and quizzing and chapel messages and friend time.  Jenna's team got 2 in the nation!!  This year, Katie memorized all of James, I and II Peter.  Jenna memorized James and I Peter 1-3.  Go, girls!

Jenna's team

Claire and Chad got to go mini golfing with our church life group

Oh, and here's one pic from my way home.  As I drove home from BWI, the van broke down and we had to get it towed.  Made it home with an hour to get ready for the wedding rehearsal I had to be at. :) 

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