"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, June 1, 2015

OK, Faithful Wingert blog readers... who is it that reads these almost immediately after I post them?  Please let me know on comments or email me or something.  I really want to know a better way of following blogs.


  1. I have it on my RSS feed list - use Feedly news reader. It's not immediately, though...

  2. Michelle,

    Sometimes I go a month checking your blog every 3-4 days. And other times (like over the past month), I forget and only check it every 2-3 weeks. Today, it suddenly hit me that i hadn't looked at in a while. Glad I took a peek! I love the end-of-year pics of Claire and Micah. Funny that Micah plugged himself right betwixt the ladies in the birthday party pic! I guess he has more nerve than his fellow fellas.

