"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, June 1, 2015

End of the School Year!

Hallelujah!  It's the end of the school year!  We are all very happy about this. :) 
Actually, Katie has 2 more days to go, but they are "fluff" days for sure.  She's exempt from all her exams because of all A's, so these last 2 days are review for exams she doesn't have to take.  And then she doesn't even have to show up the last 3 days.  Yippee! Great reward for hard work. 
Claire had a really good year in 5th grade with Mrs. Brown.  She learned a lot, in many ways.  And Claire is Super Excited about going to middle school next year!  (I'm not quite as excited... but I know she's ready to move on)  

Claire got a trophy for first place in Fine Arts Narrative Writing

Hannah, Claire, Mikayla

Micah had a fantastic year in 1st grade.  He loved Mrs. Clark!  I'm not so excited about my baby being in 2nd grade now, but I am looking forward to him having Mrs. Swacina.  She is another excellent teacher. 
And I didn't get any end-of-the-year photos of Jenna.  She did have a good year in 7th grade-- terrific grades, of course.  It's hard to believe she's going to be in 8th grade!

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