"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, June 1, 2015

Chad's Big Bike Ride

A week ago, Chad rode bike from our house to his parents' house.  Quite a ride!  He very much enjoyed it.  No bike troubles and he hardly seemed tired afterward.
This is before he left.

Kids seeing him off in the morning

 It was Sunday morning-- he took a picture of a "black car church" as he went past.

Stopped at his Aunt Denise's house to fill up his water bottle.

Checked out the house his grandparents' lived in

Chad, the Stalker, took a pic of the couple of neighbors he talked to while he enjoyed a chocolate milkshake at McDonalds. 

All along the trip, he stopped and took a photo every 5 miles.  He did stop quite a bit... maybe that's partly why he wasn't too tired.  Still, that was still a lot of miles to ride in one day!

He met up with Jer near the end

87 miles in all!  Woo-hoo!

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