"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Wingert Williamsburg Trip-- Part 3

On Saturday, we enjoyed a lovely day at Colonial Williamsburg.  So much to see!  It made me wish I knew more about history.  I'm so ignorant. 
Lots of colonial guns around, so, of course, Micah had to try one out. 

Katie checks out a colonial tree :)

Fife and drum band marching down the street

Micah's favorite mode of travel

This is funny-- Micah and Katie and Claire sitting on a low tree branch, and Jenna worrying about holding them up!

We went to a session of court-- Chad got to be one of the judges and Jeremy was one of the defendants.  

And these 2 definitely needed some punishment...

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