"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Claire's Gettysburg Trip

I went on Claire's field trip to Gettysburg with her.  It was on the last day of cold we had, and, boy, was it cold.  It was misty and windy and probably not above 45.  Gettysburg can be so much prettier!  However, the kids enjoyed it, and I think we all learned a lot.
The theme for the day was Care of the Wounded, and Ranger Barb did a FANTASTIC job.  When we were walking together once, I asked her about her education.  She started as a history major and switched to communications because... what can you do as a history major?  Then she went on to get her masters in museum science or something like that.  She was great with the kids and such a clear speaker. 

Here Claire and her friend, Faith, are erecting a hospital flag.  

Some classmates carry a stretcher.  Others had to erect the tent you see.  Some had to make an operating table-- out of sawhorses and an old door.  Very typical to use doors, Barb said. 

And here was the best memory of the day-- Jenna Evans had to get up on the operating table and Ranger Barb showed the tools and explained an amputation!  Earlier the kids had shared skits that they had prepared (provided by Gettysburg)... in the skit, Jenna had gotten a minie ball to the leg, so the dr had to amputate.  Wish I had gotten a pic of the saw Barb showed us.  Yikes . And, contrary to what many say, anaesthesia was used during the Civil War.  It was just a bit hit or miss-- had to be careful that the patient was all the way under but not so far under that he wouldn't wake up.

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