"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Poetry Contest Winner

A month or two ago, Claire entered 2 poems in the Washington County Library contest, and she won honorable mention!  She was invited to a special dinner where they got to hear an author speak and Claire read her poem.  Congrats, Creative Claire!

The author, Marc Nobleman, autographed a copy of his book for Claire, and she got an anthology of all the poems and short stories that won.

The winners that attended the dinner

Papa and Grammy rolled in... just in time for the dinner!
And here is the poem...
The Funkiest Flower Ever
I always wanted to plant a flower,
My very own gorgeous plant!
Finally, after two years straight
I got a seed from my eerie aunt.

I planted it right away
And then waited for it to sprout.
Then, one day, I saw a seedling!
I proclaimed it with a shout!

Mother said, “It’s not a pretty flower!”
I replied, “You have no faith!
It is not a pretty thing just yet.
It’s only March the eighth!”

But as it grew so very high,
I doubted the same as she.
I finally realized that this was no flower
-But a tall, evergreen tree!

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