"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Micah's Trip to Baltimore

Last week, I went with Micah's class to the Maryland Science Center.  Perfect place for him, and lovely weather, and fun company!
Loved this ball roller, of course.  One of the best things about this museum is that almost everything is hands-on.

Tornado... kids could observe how air currents they create affect the tornado

Micah on a bed of nails-- why doesn't it hurt?  Because the pressure is spread out.  Funny, this same lady has been here for years.  She was there the past 2 times I've been to the science center.  After Micah got up, she told him not to drink anything for 3 hours because it would flow right out the holes!

Micah tries to balance.  Of course, he had more fun watching the digital timer on the wall, so he circumvented the proper way to use the exhibit in order to watch the numbers go higher.

Lovely lunch spot by the inner harbor.  Wish we could have traded this weather for the Gettysburg day... I would have given up our comfortable Baltimore lunch for a lovely day at the battlefield!

Micah and some classmates make a circuit

This was a ball roller in a maze-- had something to do with illustrating how many Maryland blue crabs make it to adulthood.  That made no impression on the 1st graders.  Micah happily sat on the left putting more balls in the maze while his friend controlled the maze part.

Micah and Kingston, my two charges for the day.  Since there were so many parents along, it worked out each to only have 2 kids-- perfect for a hands-on place where the kids are moving all over the place.

Magnetic walls with moveable magnetic pieces of track-- put on a golf ball and see how it works

You can't see it well, but under that welcome sign is a large display of those pin-type things.  You know how you can put your hand on it and it pushes the pins through so it leaves the impression of your hand?  

And this was Micah's favorite part of the day-- water play.  He said he really liked how he could experiment with the water.  
I'm quite sure he could happily spend 3 or 4 days in this museum!

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