"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Wingert Williamsburg Trip-- Part 1

On Thursday, after a half day of school, we headed down to Williamsburg, VA, for a wonderful Wingert weekend.  We arrived in time for a delicious meal at iHop, and then we got to see around the lovely condo where we stayed. 
This post has general pics about the weekend.  Next 2 posts will have pics of Busch Gardens and Colonial Williamsburg.
We celebrated Micah's 7th birthday at the condo.  Wish we had turned on the lights for this photo... can't exactly see the people or the cake too well.  Sorry!

Jer and Dani were there for Fri pm thru Sun afternoon (before heading home for her new job!).  Sadly, we didn't get them in many photos... but here's one of the whole group after we took a lovely walk around Wyndham Kingsgate.

One of Micah's gifts was this bug playground--he's fascinated to watch what the bugs do in there.  You can also see Mrs. Peck, one of the Easter things he got, with a line of her eggs.

One of the best parts about the trip was not having to cook.  The kids ate a lot of pancakes, since that's one of their favorite things to order in restaurants!  We ate at iHop, Denny's, Golden Corral, Cracker Barrel and a wonderful Southern pancake house.

Tennis under blue skies!  Another great thing about the trip was the awesome weather!  We were so itching for spring... and colors.

Our condo-- building 42.

Some beautiful photos of around the condo (taken by Jenna)

We left for home before noon on Tues.  (K had to miss 1 1/2 days of school last week and J, C, M missed 2 days this week)  Our trip home was a bit eventful.  Van was overheating, so we stopped a few times until Chad got out our large water jug and dumped much of it in.  Then it worked fine.  Also, the passenger window got stuck down.  This was not a huge deal, but it's relatively uncomfortable in DC traffic.  The last 15 min, it started raining, so then we were very glad to get home. (Note-- window was easily fixed by our mechanic, but Chad had to do some duct tape/plastic repair to get thru yesterday's rain.  Lovely)  And, yes, we ended up going on the DC beltway, because with the other things going on, we somehow missed our turn for Rt. 17.  We did make it home in time to get the laundry done and J packed for Outdoor School, etc, so all turned out fine. 
And we were thankful for a lovely vacation!

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