"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, May 8, 2014

West Virginia Countryside

Since I spend about 5 hours a week enjoying this beautiful state of ours while driving to Faith, I thought I ought to document it. :)  And, at the same time, maybe some of you would enjoy seeing real West Virginia.  Well, at least how it is here in the eastern panhandle!
Sadly, I messed up the order somehow, and I don't have the time to figure it out.  Since most of you haven't done the drive with me, you'll never know the difference. 
Ruins of ...?

A few farms along the route

When my dad rode this route with me last month, he said this little piece of land had to be the flattest in all of West Virginia.  I quite think he might be right!  And it's the straightest section of road I ride on each morning-- maybe 2/10 mile?

The barn is fascinating, but it is always interesting to me how close some of the barns are to the road.

Even weeds are pretty! 

This is interesting-- we pass a teeny cemetery.  Maybe it's just a family plot?  I got out to look around last week.  Several of the tombstones are unreadable.  The earliest death date I could find was 1810.  All the last names I could read said "Light".

With the old style S's that look like F's, this says:
Reader, thou too must sleep
In death's dark silent night
Be virtuous and thou shalt awake
To life, to Joy and Light

Waterfall at the Opequon Creek

Old stone barn

Many, many! of these curves!

Love this piece of road-- on the right we pass a collection of shack-type buildings and trailers, then we go thru a one-lane railroad underpass, then we are in the modern world (see next photo).

The new Spring Mills High School, where Katie would be if she went to public school.  It's a tiny bit off the path I take to and from Faith.

A pretty new house they are finishing at the entrance to a new development.  I think this will be a model.

A boat by a small cattail pond.  There's no way they use the boat on that pond!

The location of the Battle of Falling Waters

Would LOVE to talk to the owners of this place.  I can't figure it out.  Very old original house (white-ish) and then they added on the porch and columns and the other pieces of house.  Totally different styles.  Out back there are several other buildings, all of different styles.  Always cars there.  Wish I knew what it was!

A farmer clearing trees to enlarge the teeny strip of land that often has corn

Apple orchards in bloom

Mountain view

Small market where I often buy our summer produce and apples and pumpkins

Abby's house-- sure have appreciated carpooling with them!  Otherwise, I'd be doing 10 hours a week of enjoying West Virginia!

Love the purple redbuds this time of year!

This one is in our development last week.  Now all those trees have leaves.

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