"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Katie's Volleyball

OK, so this unrelated.  Just happens that we saw it when we were riding to PA last weekend.  This house fascinates me.  On this end of the country, people lots of times delineate their side of the house by decorating it differently, etc.  Sometimes they have their own style siding or shutters or doors.  This was the first time that I saw the split go straight up to the peak and then look that different. 
On Saturday, after Katie's major battle with a monster ear infection that lasted all week and caused her amazing pain, she was better enough to go to her team's all-day tournament in Elizabethtown, PA.  About 1 1/2 hr from here.  She and I caught a ride with another family and enjoyed the beautiful weather.  (It's really too bad they don't play volleyball outside, but we grabbed every chance we could to be out in it!)
Katie's team is called Absolute Volleyball.  It's not a school-run team-- there are about 24 girls in it (2 different levels) from several different schools.  She practices each Friday 8-9:30pm from Jan thru May.  They have 2-4 tournaments.  Tons of experience and help from a great coach that we really have come to like.
I didn't get any good photos indoors.  It's just not my thing and we don't have a great camera for that.  However, during one of their breaks, they went out to the soccer field to practice serving with their coach.  So you can see pics of that. :) 

Below is the team for this tournament.  Nice group of girls.  They didn't win a thing, but they learned a lot.  Katie got to do a lot of hitting, and she LOVED that!

This Saturday, she has her last tournament-- in Dillsburg, PA.  I think the school will have volleyball once a week or so thru much of the summer, so she'll be able to keep her skills up.  Plus, she just plain enjoys it!

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