"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, May 8, 2014

West Virginia Countryside Thoughts

Since I did the post with all the photos from my Faith trips, I had some other related thoughts...

My favorite street names along the route:  Featherbed Road, Mouth of Opequon Road, Chicken Hawk Road.

Also in this area are: Stoney Lick Road, Traveller Road, Nocking Point.  Not sure where these people learned to spell.  Maybe they did it on purpose?

Because the roads are SO squirrely (is THAT a word?  maybe WV is rubbing off on me), I'm super glad neither Katie nor Abby are prone to carsickness.  Esp on days when we are running a little late.  Yikes!  Boden and Lea Anne, you'd better not ever move out here! :(

This winter we had WAY more precip than normal.  Mostly it was fun.  Got a little sickening by March, tho. Did cause quite a few potholes.  Every morning after another snow, it was exciting discovering where the new potholes were.  Many of the worst got a quick patch-up job; and, sorry to say, that's probably all they'll ever get.  Makes it a bit like a fun obstacle course!

Today it's almost 80 and just gorgeous!  All my annuals are planted; now it's fun to see how things grow.  I really do like working outside, tho, so I'm a bit disappointed to have that finished!

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