"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, May 12, 2014

Bangor Track Meet

Saturday was Katie's last track meet of the year-- a BIG one in Bangor, PA, almost to NJ.  More than 3-hour drive for us.  It was the ACSI Northwest regional, or something like that.
She and I went to it; rode with Jess and her mom.  The drive worked out really well-- sure beat doing it myself.  Plus, we got to watch how Jess and her mom interacted. :)  Very loving, but cracked us up that Jess is embarrassed by her mom just like Katie is.
We arrived in Easton in time for supper-- met some Faith friends at Chick-fil-A-- then went to our hotel.  Quite a luxury for Katie and I to have a room to ourselves.  We each even had our own beds!  
The whole team stayed at this hotel, since the coach had arranged a reduced rate if we made reservations early enough.  Team devos at 9pm, led by one of the senior girls (fantastic), and then we went right to bed.  Katie was still having allergy trouble and she was nervous about the meet.  I'm sure she would rather have been at home, doing nothing.
Meet went well, tho.  Fun to be there with a big group of Faith families, some of which are new friends and some are old church friends.  Other than a bit of rain at times, quite a bit of wind, and one 30-min thunder delay (they sent all 1,000 or so people back to their cars/buses!), the weather was nice all day-- comfortable and lovely to be outside. 
Here's Katie getting ready for her 100m.  Because there were 38 schools, there were several heats for many of these races.  Katie was one of 37 girls to run the 100m.  I think there were 57 boys.  If you're interested in seeing the results, let me know and I'll email them to you.  I don't know how to get them on here. 

This shows the track and half of the stands.  A lot of people, but the facility was made for it.
It was a long day, but I enjoyed learning about track and watching many different events-- shotput, javelin, long jump, triple jump (you'll have to ask Katie about that!), high jump, many races and relays.

This one is just for fun.  If you zoom and look closely-- find Katie in a gray sweatshirt, near the top.  This was after her last event was finished, so she was hanging out with the Faith fans.  See what's going on?
After finishing her 3 events, Katie had a lot of fun hanging out.  Plus, we went to Red Robin afterward with a group of us, and that was a lot of fun.

The high school girls team-- got 3rd place in the large school division!

The high school boys team-- got 1st place in the large school division!

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