"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Micah's Literature Fair

This week we've been diving into all the craziness that fills up May and the end of the school year.  Monday was Micah's kindergarten literature fair.  Each of the kids got up to read their autobiography and show us the self-portrait they drew. 
We talked about other books and looked at some samples of their writing.  Boy, he has improved dramatically since last August!!
We also worked on writing/drawing something together. He's got a super-cute class (love those kindergarteners!) and it's fun to be with them for an hour.
Yesterday was Claire's literature fair.  Not nearly as fun. :)  I'd read her writing any day, but listening to a classful of 4th compositions just reminds me of the olden days!
Tonight Jenna has a concert.  Friday Katie has Labors of Love and I have to pick her up at a park. 
In between all this, I've barely been able to get the meals/laundry/dishes/lessons done!
I think it works out well, tho.  We get worked into a frenzy in May so we are just craving June with no school!  Otherwise, maybe I wouldn't have been ready for it. 

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