"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Last week, Chad and I took Katie and Jenna to hear the African Children's Choir.  Fun, totally different cultural experience.  We ended up with the best seats in the house-- very last row by a wall, so we were able to stand up to get a better view (the church's sight lines were not good).  We were just fascinated by what a physical activity that concert was for the kids involved.  Only for a few songs did they stand still.  Otherwise they were dancing-- and this was extremely active dancing!  And the 4 boys playing drums REALLY played hard.  They had to have tough hands!  We probably understood less than 5% of the words-- the sound was not great (how do you mic kids that are dancing all over the place, and the  drums were SO loud), many of the songs were not in English, and the English they did do was heavily accented.  Still, for an hour or little longer concert, it was fun just to watch and listen. 

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