"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Yard Sale Yippee!

Had a TERRIFIC yard sale at Chad's parents' this weekend.  We did both Friday and Saturday, with the goal of earning money for Katie's IFCA quizzing trip to IN in a couple weeks.  We did it!

Total earnings for us for both days, was about $215.  That, plus a special gift from Gma and Gpa, totally cover her trip.  Woo-hoo!

And that's nothing compared to the money Don and Anita made.  Whoa!  They made around $500!!  Of course, Anita had everything absolutely beautifully set up-- just perfectly organized and prepared.  The Yard Sale Queen. :)

Kids mostly enjoyed it, too.  Weather was nice-- gorgeous 75 today, and overcast but not rainy 65 yesterday.  Exceptionally cool for us this time of year.  All the kids were in and out of the house the whole time, but Jenna mostly stayed outside.  She got a real kick out of watching and listening to people who came.

Oh, and we got rid of a lot of junk and had fun doing it.

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear that Katie is on her way to Indiana for another Midwest quizzing adventure! And the yard sale sounds like a hoot. Shell, I heard your baked goods were quite a hit... no surprise there. Wish we could have dropped by!
