"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Ohio Cabin Trip

To celebrate my parents' 50th anniversary (wow!) and their 70th birthdays, the Steenwyks met at Salt Fork State Park in Ohio.  Everyone made it except Natalie.  We had 4 cabins up on top of a steep hill, just across the road from the lake.  Dad brought a friend's boat.  Lots of fun for 3 days!

Ate outside a couple times

Claire with her favorite rock... Gerald's Rock. 


Micah loved it!

Family hike

Katie with Caleb and Logan

Chad planned a scavenger hunt

Cute cousins, huh? 

Lovely pool at the State Park

Donut contest, initiated by Micah

Ate inside a couple times-- bit rainy



Claire leaps

Papa getting ready to try the waterskiing

Jason won the donut contest!

Happy anniversary!

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