"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Katie Visits!

So fun to have Katie come home for a weekend!  We are so excited that she's having fun and doing so well at college, but we miss her a TON!
She came home for a quick weekend, and brought Nate with her.  Fun to meet him and get to know the guy she respects so much. He's an industrial design major from Florida. 
This photo is taken at church

We hopped in the car and drove 7 minutes over to The Falling Waters.  It's a pretty little place, if you ignore the thorns and weeds and you crop the trash out of your photo. :)  Funny, I still feel like we live in a vacation place!

1 comment:

  1. Stellar pictures! I'm happy that Katie's happy, and that her taste in fellows is for sweet & quiet ones instead of brash & cocky ones. :)
