"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, October 28, 2017

MI trip

After the Ohio cabin, Chad and Katie had to go home to get back to work.  The rest of us rode with my parents to their house in MI.  
Micah will eat peanut butter crackers anywhere!

Holland State Park at beautiful Lake Michigan-- we always want to fit in a visit here in the summer

Jenna and I did a little painting in mom and dad's camper

A couple hours at my Aunt Beth's beautiful cottage on Half Moon Lake

Papa relaxing

One of mom's childhood friends, Maria Gomez, with my grandma Tiemeyer

Jackson went with mom and Liz and I to visit an incredibly vast greenhouse.  I tried, unsuccessfully, to not wish too hard that we had one of these near our house!

Mini golfing with some cousins

Water fun at Papa and Grammy's house

Micah, Levi, Boden, Logan, Heidi, Caleb

Papa let Micah drive the new combine down the road!

On Sunday, we drove Jenna and Claire down to Taylor University for their week of Bible quizzing at IFCA.  On Tuesday, Micah and I flew home! 

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