"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Nate and Erin's wedding

Chad's brother, Nathan, married Erin on July 29.  We had a fun trip to CA to be a part of the big day. Here's a conglomeration of photos from the big weekend:

Super cute little Greyson!

See that good-looking guy on the left? :)

Anita read Scripture at the wedding

beautiful outdoor setting

 We also enjoyed a couple days at a nearby bed and breakfast-- many hours in the pool!

I think this was Claire's favorite room there-- the library

Kids LOVED lots of cat time-- this is the cat (Trump Cat) that lives near Erin's house where we stayed for a couple days

We stumped them with the magazine game for quite a while!

Madison and Wesley

The bed and breakfast

Caleb and Micah

I guess Greyson liked the pool :)

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