"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, June 17, 2016

Tornado Warning

Yesterday we had a tornado warning (nice to get those alerts on my phone).  Such excitement around here.  Yikes.  I told the family I really should be paid overtime for that 75 minutes!  Mothering sure has its ups and downs.  Really, I was quite clueless when I was 25 and giving birth to our firstborn...  Actually, I think I knew I was clueless-- but I think that's another whole topic.

Katie and Jenna were already downstairs, so Claire and I went down to join them.  Claire was pretty panicky.  We just hung out in the family room for a bit, and then Jenna thought she'd go up to take a shower.  When I wouldn't let her, she started getting panicky.  Katie suggested we play Wii (good idea!).  When I was a kid hanging out in the basement during tornado warnings, we definitely didn't play Wii. :)  Jenna and Claire both still managed to be pretty upset while they played.  Micah and Chad came home in the middle of this.

We heard about a tornado touching down near church and maybe causing the accident on 81.  I know it's good for safety's sake to inform our kids about dangers, but it sure is tough riding the line to keep them from getting really scared/upset/etc.


  1. It's an interesting line to walk when you're in the school setting. Having seen the devastating effects of a tornado, I'm confident it's important that they learn how to react.
