"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, June 27, 2016

Hard Work

Because I grew up on a dairy farm, I learned how to work.  Sometimes I wonder if my kids are growing up soft.  This was a good chance to harden them up a bit!  Our friends, Dave and Helen, graciously share their pool with us every summer, so we went over to help them with some weeding (Claire and I, that's why we aren't in the pic) and painting (Katie, Jenna, Micah).  Fun helping them out, and the best part was swimming at the end!


  1. Is it work if you haven't gotten stinky?

  2. Nice! I'm curious who the most efficient and most methodical painters were in the bunch. I've learned that some of us Wingerts can be quite insistent on attempting that elusive "perfect" paint job. :)
