"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, June 27, 2016

3/4 of the 1947s visit

My sister-in-law, Lea Anne, was in Ohio the week before our party, so she decided to drive 6 more hours to join in the fun.  So glad she and Boden and Heidi came!  They stayed another day and a half after the party as well.  Fun time for the kids to hang out.  They played games, messed around on the hammock, played Wii (to Micah and Boden's great enjoyment), and swam in the Stansbury's pool.  So nice that they also helped us eat lots of sloppy joes, cupcakes, and tortilla chips left from the party. :)
In the top photo, Boden and Micah were working together to make a list of something to do with the states.  I'm not really sure what it was, but they both were quite "into" it.  Both of them enjoy maps and lists.

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