"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, June 27, 2016

Happy Father's Day!

Yes, this is a funny photo to use when I'm posting about Father's Day, but, if you know Chad pretty well, you know it's appropriate. :) 
This was his very much enjoyed meal at Logan's on Father's Day when we went out with my mom and dad. Because of the things going on, we didn't get to do much, but I hope he knows his kids love him and I think he's a fantastic dad.  
So, how can I describe Chad Gregory Wingert?  He loves food, any food, including food that his family members laugh about.  :)  Loves desserts, esp COCONUT anything.  Enjoys keeping the vehicles up, esp keeping proper air in the tires-- it's just satisfying!  Very faithful about any birthdays and anniversaries because he has every date memorized.  I think he could tell you the date and year most of his cousins were born!  Makes cheesy jokes that keep us laughing.  Loves bike-riding and wishes he could do more, esp long distances on new trails in one direction. Addicted to maps and has them all in his head.  Would really enjoy more road trips.  Would be a stellar proofreader (maybe when he retires?) because he can spot a spelling error on a page within seconds. Still loves his job after 21 years and many ups and downs... thinks making the numbers come out right is the best thing ever. Plays games with the kids and plans trips and outings. Wants badly to read books but can't stay awake long enough to do it.  And (related to the last one) often works into the night because has too much to do in his full life.  Loves Jesus Christ and our wonderful church.  Keeps us all faithful. 
Happy Father's Day, honey!


  1. Nice description, Michelle. We appreciate you, Chad Wingert.

  2. I love this aerial overview of the Chad Wingert Experience! Looks like my manly big brother ate like a man's man.
