"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, December 16, 2013

Snow Week

Last week, we had snowfall 3 different days!  I don't know how long it's been since that has  happened.  Kids got 2 days off school.  Woo-hoo!
We have really enjoyed the beauty of the white snow.  It sure improves the look of the brown/gray outdoors that we see most of Dec, Jan, and Feb.

These pics are from our house.  In bottom pic, notice tree by the end of the neighbor's fence.  There actually is a row of 6? of those behind the fence.  They planted those 4 years ago and plan to take down the fence soon.  Bo just told me last week that those trees are supposed to get 60 feet tall!  Whoa.  That will change the look of things.  They are very nice trees.  And I don't blame them for wanting to block the view to their backyard.  When we built our addition 5 years ago, our new windows very much overlook their yard.

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