"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, December 12, 2013

My Day

I was just thinking... I don't feel like I got anything done today.  Hmmm.  What did I do today?

Up at 6am.  Family devos, got the fam breakfast, packed lunches, checked people's hair, etc.

7:20.  Drove Katie and Abby to Faith.

8:20.  Home.  Laundry, exercise, shower.

10:30.  Drove to church.  Played piano for a senior Christmas event.

12:00.  Drove to Hagerstown.  Stopped in the mall for a gift card Jenna needed for a friend.

1:00.  Met my friend for lunch at Chipotle!

3:15.  Picked up the 3 younger kids at Grace.

3:45.  Home.  Did homework and helped Claire dress/do hair for program.  Gave Micah a bath.  Did supper.

6:00.  Drove to Grace for Claire's Christmas musical.  She looked beautiful, did a terrific job, and she had fun doing it!

8:45.  Now 3 of us are home.  Guess what Chad, Katie, and Jenna are doing tonight??  They are going to the midnight showing of the Hobbit movie.  Boy, are they excited!  Katie and Jenna have looked forward to this for a year!  They have to go to school tomorrow-- on only a couple hours of sleep.  They were warned that they can't fall asleep in class or be cranky or they won't be doing this again. :)   That straightened them up!  I'm sure they'd like to do this again next year when the 3rd movie comes out!

Now I know why I feel like I got nothing done!  I spent the day in the car. :)  Eric and Lea Anne, this is why our gas budget is way more than yours!

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