"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, December 9, 2013

MI Thanksgivingmas

This year we went to MI for Thanksgiving.  That means a busy few days because we also squeeze in Christmas celebration while we're there. 
We planned to leave on Wed morning, but the forecast was calling for some yucky weather in PA and OH, so we delayed til Thur morning.  Left soon after 5am, and got there in about 9 hours 40 min!  Probably our fastest time ever!  The roads and traffic were great on Thanksgiving Day.  We'll have to remember that in the future. 
Thur pm was a big Thanksgiving meal at mom's with all 22 of us around their table.  After cleaning up, we had a grand game of Bingo.  Mom had collected prizes throughout the year.  Some pretty silly.  I won an extra large pink Zeeland Zoom tshirt.  Makes a good night shirt. :)  Micah loved his pair of women's sunglasses.  
Friday we decorated mom and dad's Christmas tree, and in the evening we had a bday party for Natalie!  Sweet 16.  Woo-hoo!  Friday was also Caleb and Logan's 4th bday, so we had a cake for them and a dangerously fun pinata in Mike and Emily's basement.
Saturday many of us did a 5K in Holland.  Loved the flat roads!  Out of the whole family group, Chad and Eric came in first.  Emily and I came in last-- may have something to do with us walking and talking the whole route...
Then we had a fancy Christmas breakfast at lunchtime, followed by regular Christmas traditions-- singing carols, Christmas story, family picture, and gifts. 
Sunday morning, we packed the van (Chad's so good at it-- you'd be amazed at what all goes in that thing) and then went to mom and dad's church.  Very much enjoyed their friends, Dale and Gail, on the organ and piano doing Christmas music.  
Then we met the rest of the fam at Famous Dave's for a delicious lunch.  I guess that was our New Year's Celebration.  So, we fit it all into 4 days.
We did not get great pics.  I never remember the camera, and Chad must have been distracted as well.  Here are a few of ours--
Chad and the kids decorated a milk jug for mom.

Caleb and Logan's cake.  Hard to believe they are 4!

Happy birthday, Natalie!

Jenna reads to Caleb and Heidi.  This pic cracks me up.  Can you see what Caleb and Heidi are doing?

Papa reads the Christmas story

Boden and Heidi open a gift.  Logan is very curious!

Now Claire reads to Heidi.  (Heidi likes books!)

Oranges Chad and girls decorated

All the kids trying to (or trying not to?) sing Feliz Navidad

On the way home, we stayed at a rather empty but nice hotel in North Lima, OH.  Enjoyed the pool and some Cosby show!

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