"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, December 9, 2013

Fry's Cabin

Columbus Day weekend in Oct, we went to the Fry's cabin in PA.  Fun weekend together with Chad's parents and Jer and Dani.  Here's a large mishmash of photos...
Jenna's creation

You can't accuse him of having a big head! :) 

Can't remember who made this stick creature...

Rousing game of Dutch Blitz!  I used to regularly win this game... then I taught our girls to play... then I got bifocals... now I just sit back and watch Katie win most of the time.  :)

Cool weather, but beautiful

What a patient grandpa!  He always lets the girls mess with his hair.  Guess they'd better get their fill of that with the Wingerts, cuz they aren't gonna do my dad's hair! 

Claire's bday was that weekend.  Can't believe she's 9 already.  How time flies. 

Jer and Dani and Taz

The remade Potpie Bridge.  Doesn't look nearly as memorable as before, but it's nice and sturdy!

Some people collected sticks and stones, etc for their crafty creations

Dani enjoying a book. :) 

Pretty Claire!

See that vase with sticks and ribbon that Gma made?  Katie made one, too, and I enjoyed it all fall. 

Chad and Micah racing cars

Chad caught many fun creatures in the creek.

This was one of Chad's bday presents from his mom-- an old Merlin!  Still works.

Of course, we burned a few things.  After we made smores. 

One of my favorite parts of the cabin itself is the collection of signs hung all around the house.  

And this one is my favorite...

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