"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Nothing to Sneeze At

On Sunday, 5 of us drove in a van up to Chad's parents, and Chad decided to bike it.  He's done this different times before-- loves to check out different routes, etc. This time he ended up calling for a ride after 49 miles of the 80ish he was planning-- it was pretty windy once he got into PA.  He wasn't sure he could get it in before dark (he left at 1pm after morning church!) and his knees were starting to hurt from fighting the wind.  Still, 49 miles is nothing to sneeze at!  It's about 47 more than I like to go on these hills. :)
Plus, he enjoyed stopping at his aunt's house along the way and dropping in a at stranger's house to ask if he could store his bike there overnight. 
Too bad the last half of the trip is what he was most looking forward to-- he gets to ride near our house much more often.  Maybe some day he'll just do the 2nd half of the route he had planned. 

1 comment:

  1. Nothing to sneeze at indeed... well done, my brother! I love that you asked a perfect stranger to store your bike. Isn't it nice to be in need and be reminded of how helpful & hospitable people tend to be? I remember feeling that way on my (abbreviated) hike across America, as well as a few different times I ran out of gas. Maybe we can do an epic brotherly bike ride this fall...?
