"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Claire and Jenna's Musical

We had our big children's choir musical (1st thru 5th grade) on the same night as Micah's musical.  Jenna and Claire were both in it.  Jenna had a main speaking part and Claire, besides being in the choir, was half of a wave.  Wish I had a pic of that-- they held up large pieces of blue material and shook it to make it look like wavy water, only for one song.  
The whole thing was wonderful-- kids did a fantastic job.  And, boy, was I glad when it was finished.  A lot of work, but maybe the worst of it is those songs get so stuck in my head that I think them at night.  After 6 months of those songs, I'm ready for other music!

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