"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Amazing Race

     On May 28th, 2013, I, Jenna Wingert traveled around the world. Sort of. Mrs. Lane, the mom of a kid in my class, prepared a race for the whole fifth grade to compete in. Have you ever heard of the Amazing Race TV show? Well, It's kind of like that. She paired us up into teams of two. Around the school, she had set up different "countries", each with an activity. Before we started, she gave each student a fake passport. As soon as we finished an activity, the supervisor of that country put a sticker in our passport. My partner and I began in Turkey. Daddy was the supervisor there. Tables were set up around the room with Turkish items set up on them. A price was listed for each item. We had sixteen dollars, and each dollar is equal to 6.25 Turkish Liras. IF your calculations are correct, I had 100 Turkish Liras. I had to purchase five items with all my money. Once Daddy checked our answers, we were headed off to Baghdad, Iraq. There we had to put on traditional Iraqi clothing, eat pitas with Hummus, and drink a whole cup of orange tea! I cannot stand Hummus or tea! That took a while. Next, we visited Spain. I was taught how to do the basic steps of the Flamenco dance. The dress I was required to wear was a bit too long, and the consequences include an embarrassing fall. After performing to the judges, our next stop was Olympia, Greece. What we did there is to complicated to explain. All I can say is that it that it took forever. Next, I visited Tanzania. Just like the Tanzanian women, I had to carry water from one bucket to another in a bowl on my head. In Egypt, using a fake Rosetta Stone, I translated a verse in Hieroglyphics to English. China was fun. Cans were arranged about ten feet away from where I stood, each worth a different amount of points. I had to throw beads into the cans until I reached 50 points. Then we traveled to France. Pictures of famous French tourist sites were set up around the library. I rode around the library in a cardboard taxi.  I had to match the name of each site with its picture without cheating. Last was India. This was pretty simple. All we had to do was put together a puzzle of the Taj Mahal. Overall, I had a lot of fun, though I think we were in tenth place. :)

1 comment:

  1. I want to know about "to[o] complicated to understand" and what "took forever."!!!

    Great report!
