"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

National Pike Wagon Train Festival

Every year, there's a wagon train festival-- starts in Clear Spring and goes to Boonsboro over a 3-day weekend.  We jumped in on it for a bit when it was by Wilson's store on Rt. 40 east of Clear Spring.  They had stopped all the wagons and horses for a while.  Some people let the kids get on the horses.  Pretty neat to see the covered wagons, etc.  They also had the Wilson's school open so we checked out what a one-room schoolhouse looked like. 
Also on this weekend, there are many, many yard sales along Rt. 40.  We checked out a few of those and came away with a new bike for Jenna!  Was fun trying out a playground which had real teeter-totters, a merry-go-round, and a huge straight slide-- all the old style equipment. Added treat-- Claire's friend Audrey enjoyed it with us!

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