"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, December 16, 2013


Yesterday, our adult handbell group played in church-- see Katie on the end?  If you look closely, you can see me way down the line. 
Jenna's bell group also played.  And Katie and Jenna are in a new teen choir this year.  They sang and did a beautiful job of I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day, Casting Crowns version. 

After church, we ate lunches we had packed and rode vans to a nursing home to do the same thing.  

Then back to the church for quizzing and parties.  I'm all partied out now! :)

Micah's First Real Haircut

I have always cut Micah's hair with a clippers-- nothing hard, and it saves a ton of money.  He doesn't really care, but all the girls have been wanting him to have a different hairstyle.  So, we let it grow out for a few months.  Couldn't stand it any more and didn't know how to do it, so I took him to Miss Heather at the Hair Cuttery.  He was so excited!  He did a terrific job, too.  And it turned out great.  I took copious notes and hope to replicate it.  We'll see. :) 

Christmas tree

Finally able to get our Christmas tree on Fri!  Pretty slim pickin's by this time in Dec, but we ended up with a really pretty one.  Had a great time putting it up on Fri.

The Hobbit

It's finally time for the Desolation of Smaug!  The movie opened last Friday, so Chad and Katie and Jenna went to the midnight showing.  They had a great time-- got home about 3:15am-- slept about 3 hours-- got up and went to school all day.  None of them fell asleep at school, either!

Because that wasn't enough of Bilbo, Katie and Jenna and I went to see it again on Saturday-- this time with the Browns. 
Chad took girls to Sweet Frog, too.  What a night!

The County Spelling Bee

Claire's school Christmas musical (The County Spelling Bee) was last week.  It was a very nicely done musical-- fun to watch/listen to.  Claire sang in the choir and also had a special narrator part.  Of course, she did a fantastic job!  She's a very clear speaker, with great expression.

Snow Week

Last week, we had snowfall 3 different days!  I don't know how long it's been since that has  happened.  Kids got 2 days off school.  Woo-hoo!
We have really enjoyed the beauty of the white snow.  It sure improves the look of the brown/gray outdoors that we see most of Dec, Jan, and Feb.

These pics are from our house.  In bottom pic, notice tree by the end of the neighbor's fence.  There actually is a row of 6? of those behind the fence.  They planted those 4 years ago and plan to take down the fence soon.  Bo just told me last week that those trees are supposed to get 60 feet tall!  Whoa.  That will change the look of things.  They are very nice trees.  And I don't blame them for wanting to block the view to their backyard.  When we built our addition 5 years ago, our new windows very much overlook their yard.

Church at home

This would not be your normal church service.  :)  Last week, when we had snow on Sunday and K/J had gotten home at 5:30am from their quiz trip, we decided to have church at home.  Katie and Jenna decided to dress up for it. Boy!  Was everyone in a goofy mood. 
Claire prepared a quiz for us and played a special song.  Jenna played for our congregational songs (Christmas music).  Katie did the announcements.  Chad preached the sermon. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

My Day

I was just thinking... I don't feel like I got anything done today.  Hmmm.  What did I do today?

Up at 6am.  Family devos, got the fam breakfast, packed lunches, checked people's hair, etc.

7:20.  Drove Katie and Abby to Faith.

8:20.  Home.  Laundry, exercise, shower.

10:30.  Drove to church.  Played piano for a senior Christmas event.

12:00.  Drove to Hagerstown.  Stopped in the mall for a gift card Jenna needed for a friend.

1:00.  Met my friend for lunch at Chipotle!

3:15.  Picked up the 3 younger kids at Grace.

3:45.  Home.  Did homework and helped Claire dress/do hair for program.  Gave Micah a bath.  Did supper.

6:00.  Drove to Grace for Claire's Christmas musical.  She looked beautiful, did a terrific job, and she had fun doing it!

8:45.  Now 3 of us are home.  Guess what Chad, Katie, and Jenna are doing tonight??  They are going to the midnight showing of the Hobbit movie.  Boy, are they excited!  Katie and Jenna have looked forward to this for a year!  They have to go to school tomorrow-- on only a couple hours of sleep.  They were warned that they can't fall asleep in class or be cranky or they won't be doing this again. :)   That straightened them up!  I'm sure they'd like to do this again next year when the 3rd movie comes out!

Now I know why I feel like I got nothing done!  I spent the day in the car. :)  Eric and Lea Anne, this is why our gas budget is way more than yours!

Claire Hair

We've been experimenting with sock curls in Claire's hair.  Wow, she has gorgeous hair!

Jenna's Choir Concert

Last week, Jenna's middle school choir concert was lovely-- after years of choir
dearth at Grace, we were especially pleased to hear good Christmas music from many middle
and high school students.  There are some very talented people that have been hiding in plain sight!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Today's the 9th anniversary of Claire's surgery.  She doesn't like us to make a big deal out of it, but I just want to say thanks to the Lord for our beautiful, smart, funny, creative... and  healthy Claire!

Monday, December 9, 2013

MI Thanksgivingmas

This year we went to MI for Thanksgiving.  That means a busy few days because we also squeeze in Christmas celebration while we're there. 
We planned to leave on Wed morning, but the forecast was calling for some yucky weather in PA and OH, so we delayed til Thur morning.  Left soon after 5am, and got there in about 9 hours 40 min!  Probably our fastest time ever!  The roads and traffic were great on Thanksgiving Day.  We'll have to remember that in the future. 
Thur pm was a big Thanksgiving meal at mom's with all 22 of us around their table.  After cleaning up, we had a grand game of Bingo.  Mom had collected prizes throughout the year.  Some pretty silly.  I won an extra large pink Zeeland Zoom tshirt.  Makes a good night shirt. :)  Micah loved his pair of women's sunglasses.  
Friday we decorated mom and dad's Christmas tree, and in the evening we had a bday party for Natalie!  Sweet 16.  Woo-hoo!  Friday was also Caleb and Logan's 4th bday, so we had a cake for them and a dangerously fun pinata in Mike and Emily's basement.
Saturday many of us did a 5K in Holland.  Loved the flat roads!  Out of the whole family group, Chad and Eric came in first.  Emily and I came in last-- may have something to do with us walking and talking the whole route...
Then we had a fancy Christmas breakfast at lunchtime, followed by regular Christmas traditions-- singing carols, Christmas story, family picture, and gifts. 
Sunday morning, we packed the van (Chad's so good at it-- you'd be amazed at what all goes in that thing) and then went to mom and dad's church.  Very much enjoyed their friends, Dale and Gail, on the organ and piano doing Christmas music.  
Then we met the rest of the fam at Famous Dave's for a delicious lunch.  I guess that was our New Year's Celebration.  So, we fit it all into 4 days.
We did not get great pics.  I never remember the camera, and Chad must have been distracted as well.  Here are a few of ours--
Chad and the kids decorated a milk jug for mom.

Caleb and Logan's cake.  Hard to believe they are 4!

Happy birthday, Natalie!

Jenna reads to Caleb and Heidi.  This pic cracks me up.  Can you see what Caleb and Heidi are doing?

Papa reads the Christmas story

Boden and Heidi open a gift.  Logan is very curious!

Now Claire reads to Heidi.  (Heidi likes books!)

Oranges Chad and girls decorated

All the kids trying to (or trying not to?) sing Feliz Navidad

On the way home, we stayed at a rather empty but nice hotel in North Lima, OH.  Enjoyed the pool and some Cosby show!


See the monkeys hanging from the string?

Thanksgiving at Grace


Chad drove a van of exchange students to DC.  Fun day in the city.


Chad and I took a lovely bike ride on the C&O Canal Towpath.  Started at Shepherdstown this time, so we crossed the Antietam Creek Aqueduct.  Nice to ride on the fallen leaves-- cushions the gravel path.  

Then we had to gain back all the calories we'd burned. :) Enjoyed the Blue White Grill in Martinsburg.  Not a good place for our family-- I don't think they had a table that seats more than 4-- but it sure was good food!


Katie got her permit!  Yippee!  She studied hard to pass the written test.  Now she has to log 50 hours of driving by her August bday.  She's doing a terrific job!  The first several times, I was a bit white-knuckled, but she's getting better very fast. 

Helping Mary

Chad and the ESL teacher at Grace took a bunch of the exchange students to help a missionary move and rake her yard.

Busy Halloween Day

Oct 31 was the day our chimney sweep friend came to install the new titanium liner in our chimney. 
Also the day Anita and Dani came to make applesauce with me.

We tried a different method this year-- and we weren't very successful at it.  Ended up using a handcrank by the end of the day

After supper, the kids got dressed up for Trick or Treat