"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, June 22, 2012

The Chic Boutique

The girls went to Gma's house for a few days earlier this week.  She had prepared "The Chic Boutique" in the pink and green bedroom.  They all went "shopping" and then tried on different outfits.  They had our camera along, and they took pics of each other.  (Thus some are a little blurry)  Here's a fun conglomeration, including one of the Madame Proprietor, or whatever her name was. :)  See if you can find my favorite pic.


Chad had to go up on the roof to trim branches.  Thought he'd take a couple kids up, too.

Teen Week

Last week was our church's Teen Week.  Chad and Katie spent a lot of hours there!  Tough for Chad when he also had to work all day-- Teen Week was from 7 til 11pm each evening.  Sounds like they had a great time, tho.  And the weather wasn't too bad (much better than it would have been this week!).  They played lots of silly games (Giant Jenga is above) and had some great music with a group called RiSE from BBC and also had a great speaker from BBC. 

Katie had to miss Friday night because her friend Lauralyn had her bday party that evening.  Lauralyn had 9 guests over, and some were from the public school she goes to now.  One of those girls had tons of questions about God and the Bible, and she got saved at the party! 

Claire's Project

Claire wanted to make a project about Indians, just for fun.  You'll have to really zoom in somehow to see the words, but I figured it might be fun for you to see anyway.

Drainpipe Fun

Chad bought some drainpipe and cut it in half length-wise.  Makes a terrific track for matchbox cars or golf balls.  Put down the slope in our backyard, it's just perfect.  Micah LOVES it.  Loves putting something in at the top and then racing along with the object to the end.  Videos below.



Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Last week, Chad and I took Katie and Jenna to hear the African Children's Choir.  Fun, totally different cultural experience.  We ended up with the best seats in the house-- very last row by a wall, so we were able to stand up to get a better view (the church's sight lines were not good).  We were just fascinated by what a physical activity that concert was for the kids involved.  Only for a few songs did they stand still.  Otherwise they were dancing-- and this was extremely active dancing!  And the 4 boys playing drums REALLY played hard.  They had to have tough hands!  We probably understood less than 5% of the words-- the sound was not great (how do you mic kids that are dancing all over the place, and the  drums were SO loud), many of the songs were not in English, and the English they did do was heavily accented.  Still, for an hour or little longer concert, it was fun just to watch and listen. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Minor Injury!

                                                                          Yesterday I was blowing bubbles with Micah using one of those long bubble wands that make really big bubbles. My head started hurting form blowing so much so I started to wave it around in the air to make the bubbles. Micah wanted me to do more so I started to just spin around. I guess I got a little dizzy and fell onto the driveway and broke my ankle... just kidding. Mommy found some crutches at a yard sale and knew we wanted some. We do have a lot of fun with them. 


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Silly Micah

 Bike trip to the river with Daddy

Monday, June 4, 2012


i love how at seven when i go to bed
the sun drops down over my head
and just below the horizon it lands
and leaves just a few colorful bands
a strip of pink and a stripe of gold
and sometimes lavender, i've been told
then God splashes the rest with indigo dye
i love how at seven God paints the sky.

-by jenna

Micah on Stage


Micah on stage, mommy off stage

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Yard Sale Yippee!

Had a TERRIFIC yard sale at Chad's parents' this weekend.  We did both Friday and Saturday, with the goal of earning money for Katie's IFCA quizzing trip to IN in a couple weeks.  We did it!

Total earnings for us for both days, was about $215.  That, plus a special gift from Gma and Gpa, totally cover her trip.  Woo-hoo!

And that's nothing compared to the money Don and Anita made.  Whoa!  They made around $500!!  Of course, Anita had everything absolutely beautifully set up-- just perfectly organized and prepared.  The Yard Sale Queen. :)

Kids mostly enjoyed it, too.  Weather was nice-- gorgeous 75 today, and overcast but not rainy 65 yesterday.  Exceptionally cool for us this time of year.  All the kids were in and out of the house the whole time, but Jenna mostly stayed outside.  She got a real kick out of watching and listening to people who came.

Oh, and we got rid of a lot of junk and had fun doing it.