"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Happy 4th, Big Micah!

One of the best parts of the day-- Micah graduated from his carseat to a booster seat, and BOY are we all excited!

After our great Easter service at church, we changed clothes and headed up to PA. Stayed til Tues morning (no school because of snow day). Great time, as usual. Terrific food!

Easter egg hunt planned by Grandma and prepared/executed by Katie and Jenna

Totally enjoyed by Claire and Micah.

Egg in the tree...

I think we left a few eggs around the yard.

After supper, we had bday cake and presents for Micah.

Claire gave him some great homemade gifts and a little giraffe. She just loves making and giving gifts.

A homemade lion pillow from Gma

Scooter given and assembled by Gpa and Gma.

Giant M&M cake

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