"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter/Micah's Bday

April 8 was definitely a big day around here-- Easter and Micah's 4th birthday all at once.

It really was a chilly morning, so Micah was having issues with standing outside to get his picture taken. Then he wasn't too happy about it inside, either...

Our children's choir sang in the morning service, so I and all the girls were busy practicing in the morning. Micah did this while Chad practiced with the orchestra...

In his Sunday School class, the teacher gave him a Bible and a birthday sticker, and they all sang happy birthday. Next week, he'll be in a new class. This was an exciting event-- esp since a few of his friends had recently turned 4 and he got to watch it happen to them.

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