"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Bees

I want to put this in here for records sake, but it's maybe best not to ask them about it. :)

Last week, Jenna and Claire both had class spelling bees. I was able to go see Jenna's-- she did a terrific job! She and Grace were the last 2 spellers, and they went back and forth MANY times. I was wondering how long we'd be at this. I guess I'm impatient-- had I been running the bee, I would have jumped to the HARD words quite soon. Anyway, Jenna won-- on the word OFFERING, I think.

Parents were not allowed to observe the 2nd grade bee, but we heard about it. Oh, yeah. Claire is a very good speller, and also a bit competitive :) so I had made sure we talked about how to act if she loses, etc. She didn't seem at all nervous ahead of time. However, during the bee, when it got down to just her and Rachel, and they went back and forth for a long time (maybe 25 words?), Claire probably got more and more uptight. Finally, she blurted out that she felt sick, that she thought she was going to have a heart attack (her heart was beating hard), and "WHEN IS THIS EVER GOING TO END??" Her teacher's response was, "When you get one wrong," so she did. She purposefully spelled OTHER with 2 T's. Just so it could be done.

Claire just can't do things quietly. :) Some other kids would have just gotten silently sick, etc. Later that day, she was in the sickroom a couple times, and even took a nap once; but she was not ill. Just recovering from the ordeal, I guess.

And, truth be told, I have a feeling Rachel probably is a better speller at this point, so it probably turned out accurately.

Thankfully, she and Rachel are still very good friends. They played together at recess later that day and lots since.

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