"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Woods

For our spring break, Chad planned a lot of fun activities for the family. He reserved a room at The Woods (Berkeley Springs) for 3 nights (for the price of 2 since it's off-season). So, we rotated people in that room (capacity 4). The first night, Micah and Daddy went. Chad's pretty sure Micah thought they were actually going to sleep IN the woods, by some trees, with their sleeping bags-- still had fun, tho. :) There's a nice play area for Micah to enjoy.

The next night, Chad and I went alone-- nice and peaceful. We may have been the only guests there. We played racquetball and shuffleboard and Phase 10 and Racko. Fortunately, we each won at something.

The next day, the kids and Anita all came for a while, then that night Chad stayed overnight there with Katie and Jenna. Some tennis, racquetball (girls' first experience with that), and swimming.

Hot tub makes cool bubbles!

Claire's sky-diving impression

Very teeny deck with a great woodsy/creeky view

Action shot!

Katie's hair gets stuck to the wall

Katie does her vanishing leg thing...

Jenna tries playing with a frying pan

Proud Daddy. :)

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