"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, March 23, 2012

Birthday Time

Jenna's birthday was last Saturday-- TEN years old! Because Gpa and Papa also have bdays so close, she's almost guaranteed to share a party with one or both of them, depending on if my parents are here or not. This time, Gpa got the gift he's always been wishing for/talking about... A NECKTIE! :) JK-- the silly tie was just a joke. We also gave him a quartet CD.

Claire gave Jenna several gifts-- and was so happy to prepare them/give them. Sweet.

I don't have a pic of this present, but you can see what kind of response we got when she opened it! SO thrilled! The gift was we're going to take her to get her ears pierced. Planning to do it tomorrow. She's been badly wanting this for more than a year, I think.

I really should tell you about the wrapping, tho. I had asked Katie to wrap something that told Jenna she would be getting her ears pierced. Katie wrapped one of those everlasting presents (several boxes inside each other)-- all the way down to a teeny card. :) Was great!

Jenna also got several fun gifts from Gpa and Gma-- earrings, robe, nail polish.

And this terrific cake! Who can top this? Anita made it-- adorable cookie penguins, igloo made out of ice cream, edible glitter that made the "snow" sparkly.

Plus, it tasted great!

Do they look like sisters?


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