"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Piano Recital

Sunday was our 2012 piano recital. Big event; big day! Pic above has all the people who played, except one who had to leave early. Claire was sick :( so she wasn't able to play, and a few of my school students opted not to do it (they have a separate recital in May).

I was very happy with how it went. They are a great group of talented kids! The other post had videos of the Katie and Jenna's pieces. They both did a really nice job. Their duet was fantastic! Katie's individual pieces, esp Dreaming on Ice, were beautiful. Jenna's were mostly terrific-- she played Minuet in G and Hoedown very well. She just had trouble finishing up the sections, and, of course, that bothered her-- even tho the rest of the pieces were great.

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