"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


We had a short business meeting after church Sun pm. All the kids were in with us. I was holding a ballot when Micah came over to sit in my lap. He looked at the paper and said, "That says YES and NO!" nice and loud, so our whole family heard it. And I was stumped. How does he know those words? He knows what sounds some of the letters make, but I really didn't think there was any way he was sounding out a whole word yet.

We discussed it later, and none of us knew. I wondered if YES and NO were on the sight words videos Aunt Emily gave him, but the girls didn't think so.

Just figured it out this morning when he asked to play Reader Rabbit Preschool on the computer. He said something about how it ends with YES and NO. When he has to end the game, he has to confirm his choice to exit by clicking on the YES or go back to the game with NO. So, I guess he's not reading yet :), but it sure was fun.

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