"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, June 13, 2011

Mike and Emily's visit

My brother, Mike, and his family visited this weekend-- we sure had a good time together. Our kids are at a good age to get along quite well. They arrived at their campground in Williamsport late Fri, so we first saw them when they came for breakfast Sat. Besides hanging around our house so the adults could talk and the kids could play-- We took a walk to the Potomac and didn't make it down to the river before a quick storm came thru, so we finished the walk later. Jason REALLY wanted to be able to put a foot in the water so he could say he was halfway in WV and half in MD. :) We played Spoons, Pictionary, Pass the Pigs, and Wii. Ate fresh strawberries that Jenna, Micah, and I had just picked. Went to Chick-fil-A because they don't have those in MI. Ate lunch at their campsite, sat in the camper and under the awning during a short/strong storm, tried to swim but their was voltage in the water!, and the men took the kids canoeing. We also took them to see The Falling Waters. :)

Below is a video of our Spoons game-- great game to play with all the different ages. Today, their family is off to D.C. They've got a schedule packed full for the week-- including going to their congressman's office and the White House, etc.

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