"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, June 24, 2011

Dutch Wonderland

On Tues, we went to DW with Don and Anita, and Wendy/Madison/Caleb. It rained on our way there, so maybe that kept some people away-- turned out to be perfect for us. Very few lines. Had a very fun day. Lots of pics below. For you chronological people, so sorry these ended up backwards.


Jenna and Madison on Flying Trapeze

Caleb and Micah ran and ran and ran around and around this slide. Seemed like hundreds of times.


Madison and Uncle Chad

Gpa did lots of rides with the kids-- Caleb's actually on the other side of him, I think-- Micah's in front

Wendy and Madison on the roller coaster-- she loved it!

The fun band we heard-- a tuba, 2 alto saxes, and a drum/cymbal. They sounded very good and were very well prepared. Did Name That Tune for a while-- Wendy's very good at that!

Gpa with a bunch of cute women. :) This is the Turtle-Whirl, and I think he was the only adult very willing to try this ride. Actually, Chad may have done it once as well, but did not like it.

Of course, the kids loved it and wanted to do it again. Maybe there's something different about their stomachs?

After our picnic lunch

Micah and Claire


This ride was a lot of fun to watch-- called Wonder Whip-- just rode in a flat oval, and the cars whipped around the ends. I'm pretty sure MY neck wouldn't have liked this ride, but the kids loved it. Claire was very protective of Micah while they rode it together, and he didn't mind at all. We have a video that shows Madison and Caleb riding it together, too-- I'll try to get that on later.

Katie and Daddy

Gpa and Caleb

Micah milks (waters?) a cow

Wendy, Caleb, Jenna, Madison

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