"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Last Cabin pics-- various

These last few pics are definitely not in chronological order. This is Chad leaving the cabin on his bicycle. The plan was for him to ride for about 3 hours and then I'd leave and catch up with him somewhere. He told me the route he'd be on because we knew we couldn't count on our cellphones (not much coverage in the mountains). However, we still managed to miss him. And it was HOT-- 95 and sunny and humid. He had a great 33 mile ride, tho, and, with the help of a very nice farmer who had just gotten his lawn mower stuck in some overgrown weeds by the road, we found each other.

Any guesses on how old this couch is? How about the afghan?

Penny Hunt Gma did for the girls in the driveway

Fry's cabin from the side

Cabin from back (faces stream)

Chad's fire creation-- all ready to burn an old school project of Katie's and a couple matchbox cars. Made for good smores. :)

1 comment:

  1. How nice to see your trip! Sounds like you all had a wonderful time. I'm ready for that kind of laid back and relaxing get away. Last weekend was terrific, but it did rain and I have been too busy since. However, it's too warm where you are!!! And, I don't have to itch too many 'skeeto bites.
