"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Micah's Limo Ride

Micah and Anna were the top readers for the summer reading program, so they got a limo ride!!  They LOVED it.  Got to go with the principal and librarian to Friendly's for lunch.  

And I had Micah's class in the music room when the limo came-- the whole class was plastered to the window! Fun-- they were so proud of Micah and Anna.  Loved their sweet attitudes

Bus driving

Chad got to drive bus for a field trip to D.C.  He was excited!  I tried not to think of all the tight places you can get a bus stuck in D.C. :) He did a great job and had a fun day, too.

Katie Visits!

So fun to have Katie come home for a weekend!  We are so excited that she's having fun and doing so well at college, but we miss her a TON!
She came home for a quick weekend, and brought Nate with her.  Fun to meet him and get to know the guy she respects so much. He's an industrial design major from Florida. 
This photo is taken at church

We hopped in the car and drove 7 minutes over to The Falling Waters.  It's a pretty little place, if you ignore the thorns and weeds and you crop the trash out of your photo. :)  Funny, I still feel like we live in a vacation place!

Long-term Sub

This year, I went back to school also!  Spent one month subbing for the music teacher who was finishing her maternity leave.  Sure was a crazy busy month (I continued my piano lessons and most of my other responsibilities as well).  Had a ton of fun getting to know the elementary students better!  It's so much fun to see them in the hall now. 
Because we had so many inquiries for piano lessons this fall, I added another day of lessons on to my school schedule.  This year I have 27 students on 2 days.  God provides when we need it!

First Day of School

First day of school!  It was the first time in several years that we started after Labor Day.  Made for a nice, long summer break!
Here's my baby... looking not so babyish!  Micah is in 4th grade! He has Mrs. Carver this year, same as last year.  Guess she loved him so much she moved up with him. :) 

Here's my tallest daughter!  Claire is in 8th grade this year

And here's Jenna, who did not dress up at all for the beginning of this school year. :)  She is homeschooling for 10th grade-- loving it and doing super well.  It's amazing what all she's learned already!  She is doing a great job of keeping herself on track.  She also has helped a ton with cooking this fall.  Sure helps me a lot!

Visitors for Katie

For Labor Day weekend, Jenna got to go to Cedarville with Gpa and Gma to see Katie-- fun that Jenna surprised her!  She knew Gpa and Gma were coming, but she didn't know about J. Fun weekend in a hotel and spending time together!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Chopped, Micah-style

We played Chopped again, and this was the first time Micah cooked for us.  Fun to see what he came up with!