"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Honor Society

Katie was inducted into Phi Thetta Kappa.  Kind of a funny little ceremony, and we found the song and pledge even funnier.  But, I sure am proud of her!  Only the students with great grades get into PTK.


  1. I remember the honor society stuff at Freedom seeming odd to me. However, I had no doubt about the credibility of the inductees. Same here. Congrats, KT!

  2. Nice work, Katie! Smart as a whip. Are you psyched that you now have access to magical letters and are part of a band of seekers, just like Frodo and his brethren? :)

    Also, it seems like in the song, inverting a few words might help the rhyme structure a bit... "May reflect on all around / That great gift which now us has bound." Just a thought.
