"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, May 15, 2017

Claire at Outdoor School

Every year the Grace middle school goes to 3 days of Outdoor School at Black Rock.  They always love it.  Claire had a great time!

The reason we got some photos of it this year is because Chad went along for much of it.  He drove the school bus (which he is really enjoying!) and chaperoned a cabin of boys.


  1. Replies
    1. I hope not! I am not thrilled with this activity. I don't think we need to do anything to encourage kids to think it's OK to shoot at people, to desensitize them, etc. I know not everyone agrees with me, inc my husband. :) The kids definitely had fun with it and it's supposed to be a team-building exercise.

    2. I absolutely, positively, wholeheartedly agree with every part of your opinion here, Michelle. Danielle and I will do everything in our power to keep Greyson from ever viewing a gun as an instrument of levity or play. This might be tough since (like you) we live in a rural area where hunting is very common. But we're more than happy to be countercultural!

  2. Also, the nature exploration part of this trip looks fun! I can't wait to give Greyson more and more elaborate opportunities to see the natural world as he gets older. :)
