"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, April 20, 2017


Collage of Easter photos, not in very good order.  We had a lovely day-- nice weather and beautiful company
Micah colored eggs with Kool-aid

Kids all sit on Jer and Dani's porch

Greyson is built-in entertainment. :) He's pulling himself up on things, it's fun to watch!

Dani made a delicious meal!

Jer and Chad hid Easter eggs for Micah-- one went too far into the hold in this tree, and landed in a bird's nest!

Cookie dough :)

Some small creature in that birdhouse

View of the lovely orchard and mountain behind their house

1 comment:

  1. The posed pictures of the kids are stellar. Looking good, gals (and guy)!
