"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, May 16, 2016

The Best Mother's Day Ever

I am so richly blessed!  I love my fantastic kids!
We had a fantastic Mother's Day together. Katie and I played our piano duet for both morning church services, and Katie's teen choir sang special music.  After church, we drove to Greencastle, PA, to pick up lunch at Brothers (pizza, salad, wraps, chicken nuggets) and took it to City Park in Hagerstown.  It was a gorgeous day!  And we have had SO many rainy days lately.  The beautiful weather was a gift in itself.  

And they had some special gifts for me as well... a lovely towel from Micah, flowers from Claire, a fantastic card that must have taken hours to make from Jenna, a homemade terrarium from Katie, and a showerhead from Chad. :)  I took lessons from my mom (who asked for one of these for Valentine's Day) and specially requested that!

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